What's your LOWEST hanging fruit for improving the game?

Grand ideas are cool, but could take months or years to implement. Pretend you have the ear of a developer for one afternoon, what would you tell that person to fix the same day? Ideally, just by changing some parameters or numbers, not make new graphics or functions. Here's my list:

  • Make food/drinks have a CONSUME function, without picking up first
  • Remove BREACH from unbreachable doors, or when standing on the wrong side
  • Show audio pickup range on headsets, compared to no headset ("+10m detection")
  • Display weight of a container both empty and at current state ("10.5kg (1.1kg)")
  • Decrease sound of sneaking (or decrease headset capability of detecting that)
  • Add more color tags
  • Add tagging to any type of container, like rigs
  • Display round in the chamber and mag (i.e. not "4/5", but "1+4/5")
  • Remove global trader limits, and tie it to my account (i.e. I may barter 1 btc per week)
  • Decrease level requirements for clothing. PMC variation = fun!
  • Decrease health of player scavs somewhat
  • Only spawn with scav weapons that have any type of sight/optic (looking at you STM-9 and MP9)
  • Move the dumbest near spawns for PMC's
  • Remove stamina decrease for standing up
  • Decrease aimpunch
  • Increase limit until overweight to not be yellow with an average kit
  • Decrease inertia at yellow
  • Increase time until AI scav decides to loot containers or PMC's
  • Increase AI scavs alert range for distant gunfire
  • Increase money stack size
  • Make all quest items on Labs spawn on all maps and in scav junk box (hardmode: fix cheaters)