Episcopal roots in American History

I’ve been deeply fascinated by religion and spirituality since the early 90’s. I’ve dipped into a lot of them, but I find Christianity particularly interesting. I grew up early on in the Greek Orthodox Church; both my younger sister and I were christened/baptized as kids. I’ve found myself coming back around to Christianity and I’m interested in Christian history, Church history, Christian philosophy, all of the 47,000 denominations, as well as all of the ancient types of Christianity, mysticism and so on.

We have an Episcopal community not far from me, they’re affiliated with the Episcopal church downtown. I attended there for a while and we walked in the local parade with them. At that time I was working shift and vacation coverage, which had me working a volatile schedule that put me working Sundays a lot. Or if I was off Sunday I was too worn out to go anywhere.

Digging into the Episcopal Church a little more, I found it interesting how rooted in American History it was. It has its origin basically in the Revolutionary War, and has been tied to the White House for as long, and I don’t know why that’s not stated more. Especially as Bishop Budde called out the president and this administration, they’re rooted in the fundamental core of US history.

Is the Episcopal Church ever talked about in that way?