Why do so many people think we're faking our seizures?

I keep seeing posts on various social media platforms where a person with a seizure disorder, epilepsy or otherwise, posts a video of one of their seizures and people in the comments just seem to go off about how that person has to be faking the seizure. Usually the comments are a mix of "and you just happened to be able to get a camera set up but you couldn't get help?" "why didn't you just call 911 instead of filming?" and my favorite one "someone really wants attention if they feel the need to post this bs on the internet"

I understand why someone might think that someone might be faking the seizure especially if there's a seemingly long amount of time between the beginning of the video and the start of the seizure. I also usually see somewhere in the video description or a caption somewhere that says the video is being posted to spread awareness. Why do so many people think that we're just seeking attention? I don't get it and its rather upsetting to me. I saw a video a little while ago where the person in the video was on the phone with 911 as they start going into a seizure and people still went off about them having a camera set up to film it. the caption for the video said they were alone and didn't know what to do so they called 911 while they waited for help.

I also wish more people would educate themselves before posting shit on the internet. What some of these people in the comments don't realize is that these people posting the videos of their seizures are filming because a doctor asked them to. I don't know if this is the case for everyone but my neurologist wants me to get as many of my seizures on camera as I can so that he can see exactly what's going on and what the seizures look like.

I feel like this sort of thing is part of why people with any type of seizure disorder don't feel safe talking about it. There just ends up being so much judgement after they bring it up to anyone. I know for me I was so afraid of dating because I worried that no one would want any part of being with someone that had seizures. Thank god I found someone that is supportive and will protect me at all costs but I know that's not always the case.

Long story short, seeing how many people on the internet that think we're faking our condition really pisses me off. I don't think people realize how hard it must be for actors to fake a seizure well enough that it looks even close to being real. I can tell its not but for someone that's never seen a seizure in real life, it looks pretty real. I don't know. This has just been eating at me lately and I'm really pissed off about it. Anyone else deal with this or similar situations?

Updated to add: this post wasn't intended to start such a debate about what attention seeking is and what its not. I understand everyone has differing opinions on the matter and that it looks different for everyone. I also understand that not everyone sees a person posting a video of a seizure on the internet as spreading awareness and that's totally fine. Please just be kind to each other in the comments.

The video mentioned where the person in the video calls 911 was brought up a few times and I would just like to clarify that situation a little bit. In the video the person calls 911 in the time period before the seizure started(I think that would be considered during their aura) and was still on the phone with the operator at the beginning of the seizure itself before paramedics arrived. In the captions on the video they mention that they had tried getting someone's attention before calling not realizing that there was no one else home. That was why they called 911. This person posts a lot of videos of their seizures with content warnings stating that the video is of a seizure. Each video also has captions throughout explaining a bit about what is happening in that part of the video.