No foaming at the mouth so not a seizure?

I had showed a video of one of my bigger seizures to a new neurologist and because I wasn't foaming at the mouth then it could not be a tonic-clonic seizure. He also said that many of my other seizure behaviors were not typical. I tend to look straight on (no head turn or eye deviation). In my video of the bigger ones, it looks like my left side is shaking violently, my left arm is stiff and my right arm moves. I also tend to kick my legs as if I am pushing something heavy. My mouth gets frozen into this creepy smile that makes me look like I am having a stroke. Tears also stream down my face but that's usually because I start crying during the prodrome phase when I get this horrific feeling that I am going to fall off a cliff. I tend to clench my teeth so hard that I have chipped a tooth and I grind them. I also grunt and spit a bit too. But no foam so I guess that means to him that it couldn't possibly be a seizure. He said they are psychogenic. I'm also told by him that the lesions I have on my frontal lobe are normal and probably from chronic migraines (I've never had a migraine before, only headaches from seizures and fainting). He had told me that you can still have migraines and no symptoms so I did all of his migraine meds (6 so far) and of course, nothing helps.

I insisted on an EMU stay after a hospital visit because I am so sick of being told that just because I have PTSD then my seizures HAVE to be psychogenic. I even tried to get them to consider the fact that I've had 21 concussions to be a possible reason for all of my symptoms but that just solidfied in his head that I need more therapy.

From what I have read, there are over a hundred different types of seizures. Do all of the tonic clonic HAVE to include mouth foam? Is this the tell-tale sign for doctors ?