Started teaching myself to code 1.5yrs ago. Have now released my first product as as solo entrepreneur. Super proud and have got my first 250 paid customers! If you're interested in learning to code, I can highly recommend it
I spent 10yrs in a career of branding/advertising and went from knowing no programming to launching my first product in a year.
It won't be for everybody but if you're on the fence about switching careers or learning to code, I'd definitely recommend it. Even if it's just to see if you like it.
I learned by doing a short $40 course on Udemy and then watching a ton of YouTube videos.
Got my first customers by building in public (look up #buildInPublic). Building in public also helps keep me accountable. To do this I mostly post on Twitter, just low quality progress videos (nothing fancy) and design screenshots. I also wrote a weekly productivity newsletter which is about providing value to customers first, and then product news second.
Here's my website for reference:
(It's a productivity application which helps provide structure and focus to get work done).
Feel free to ask anything about the journey. Not going to lie, it was a hard slog, but extremely happy I did it.
Apr 8th 2021: edit to answer a few common questions:
- #buildInPublic => mostly I do this on Twitter, you can follow along at @threehourcoffee for examples. I post screenshots of progress and share my learnings along the way
- Tech stack => jamstack approach...javascript/React, Express, Firebase for db, Netlify, Heroku, Stripe for payments
- Cost of Firebase database: still on free tier
- How to choose a programming language => Start with your goal. In my case my goal was primarily learning to code a website and to release a product that I developed by myself. Knowing I wanted to do a website, helped guide the programming choice, so I started with javascript. It will depend on your goal.
- Resources for learning: Udemy - Jonas S's html, css, javascript course. Youtube - Wes Bos, Traversy Media, Dev Ed, Academind, Net Ninja, Web Dev Simplified. Websites - javascript30, freecodecamp, google and stackOverflow