Kindly asking for some feedback and advices for my website.
Hello guys,
One of the first time posting here, have been lurking and learning a lot in silence.
In some of my comments, I sometimes mentioned that I am currently working on opening a cleaning business as a side hustle in Germany, in a small town of 25K population. And this is what I wanted to talk about today. I took /u/localcasestudy "blueprint" and went with it. Because as a wantrepreneur, I just finally wanted to get something started to get the stone rolling (and stop dreaming) and because I know there is a huge request for maids around here (multiple requests every other day in the local newspaper and people I know also asked around if someone knew anyone who could suggest a maid). Also, I am on a budget and need to keep expenses as low as possible at the beginning. Bonus: There is no other one offering these services around.
So for the last few weeks, I´ve been working on the website and I would like you to give me some feedback. Its my very first Website. I tried to learn everything myself and bought a pretty neat theme and just started. Its in German, but I would like you to look at the looks and I also don´t know anyone I could ask here.
Name of the Theme is Salient. I imported a demo and changed it a little bit to look like I wanted it to look. IMO it looks fairly good on desktop (laptop, pc). However, when I open it on mobile (which is very important for me with regard to online booking) I found it a little bit suboptimal and I don´t yet know if its possible to change the look on mobile while keeping the look on desktop. Anyone experiences here? Are you of the same opinion?
If you have any other feedback, advices or things you really don´t like, feel free to tell me. I really appreciate any help I can get here.
Thanks a lot in advance!
EDIT: whats your opinion on the logo? I designed it myself and its also my first try. Thanks.