Best business to start with 160k local social media followers

I run a social media account that features things to do in my local area. People go crazy for my style of content. In the past I've announced a meet up and 1000 will show up, some drive from hours away.

I'd like to start a small business to take advantage of all the attention equity but I'm having trouble coming up with the perfect idea. I've been testing live concerts, but I don't think that will make much money. I've considered doing a wellness club, or a haunted house/christmas market, or mobile saunas/cold plunge. Mr Beast did beast burgers so maybe something food related? Are there any other ideas I'm missing?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

TLDR I have a ton of local social media eye balls and want to start a small business in the entertainment or lifestyle space.

Edit: I should mention - I’m doing about $90k right now from promoting other businesses, merch, the creator fund, grants and I even received a 5 figure offer from a presidential candidate for an endorsement.

I’m doing all of the basics but I’m curious though, is there a bigger opportunity when you control nearly the entire social media conversation in a region? I would think that there would be some sort of tourism or consumer business that could become really stable income. Just a thought!