Advice on resumes when you have no projects or engineering related work experience for internships

I’m currently a sophomore in my Community college and plan on transferring in the fall to university. I haven’t taken many engineering classes tbh, so my knowledge on them isn’t there. I want to start working on projects but not sure where to begin, and will start watching YouTube videos soon to understand the process.

But I’ve been working since I was 15 in basically restaurants only, I started off as a server for a banquet hall then found another job and got moved up throughout the years to be well a server in a banquet hall that’s inside of a restaurant. The money is great which is why I left my original job to basically do the same thing I did 2 years later.

When looking at this how do I get an internship, if all my work experience is in restaurant and I don’t have any projects. What should I put on my resume? I feel it’ll look very bland and empty so I’m not too sure. My thought was to apply at smaller companies around where I live and just do summer jobs with them. Instead of trying to hit a big company right off the bat.

Any advice? Such as good templates or resumes, or any personal experiences you’ve had that are similar to mine?