OK to ask for clarification on written offer from startup?

I recently received a verbal and later written offer from a hardware startup. During the call they said their interns received a specific pay rate (per hour) and that as I would be relocating, they could offer me a housing subsidy of a specific value. I was happy to agree with the compensation and didn't ask questions at the time.

A day later, I received the written offer. However, the documents list me as a contractor/consultant for the company, and list the pay as being weekly (and not per hour). For a 40 hour work week, the weekly pay is equivalent, but I doubt that I will only be working 40 hours per week. I say this as I am concerned that they would not be paying for overtime. Being a consultant also removes me of any company benefits, but this is less of an issue.

Additionally, the housing subsidy is not included in the document.

I emailed asking to about OT and the missing housing subsidy, as well as visa support. I am now a little nervous that asking for clarification may have come off as combative and attempting a negotiation, which I am not. I have not heard back yet.

Was asking unreasonable from my end? Is there a risk that they could rescind my offer?