I’m stressing about what college to transfer to

Ok I’m 21 transferring to university to study ME, I want to focus on either aerospace, robotics or automotive. Both colleges don’t have individual programs for either besides automotive because yk Michigan. I honestly wasn’t planning on Oakland at first but when I got my FAFSA back I saw the college scorecard from the department of education and this is what i’ve gathered.

Oakland: Pro v. Con Pros: It’s closer to home about a 20 min drive, it also has a very nice campus and parking isn’t as bad as Wayne which is in the heart of Detroit. It’s also cheaper by a little bit and graduates make a little more. My main focus honestly isn’t only money but I won’t lie it plays a big part for me and my family. And although I don’t religiously listen to it but take it my opinion, rate my professor rates a lot of the professors whose classes I’ll be taking in the future really well.

Con: I fear that it being located in the suburbs not really near any big big companies will hurt my networking chances a little.

Wayne State: Pro v. Con Pros: Like I said located in the heart of Detroit, right down the street basically from the GM building, I feel I’ll have a better chance of networking with people there. I also enjoy the city and felt like it’d be nice as a college experience to go there. And not just stay in the suburbs my whole life.

Cons: it’s a 40ish min drive there and 40ish min back, 20 miles which I’ll probably bring driving down to 4 days a week so it’ll put some work on my car. The parking situation is not good at all, and walking in the winter is hell on earth. It’s also a little more expensive and the median ME salary is about 2k less. All the ratings I’ve seen on RMP, state that they have a really poor staff who won’t help you, which I have already felt the hit of by the transfer advisor. And the teachers I’ll have in the future have really bad ratings as well.

Like I said I do not take RMP to heart but it’s definitely something to keep in mind when looking for classes to take. Also a big thing which idk how big, and I’m hoping not too big, is that I’ve already applied and been accepted into Wayne, I haven’t submitted an application Oakland yet and plan on it tomorrow after I speak to an advisor. I’ve basically planned out my entire transfer path for Wayne, but am pretty sure the transfer equivalencies between both are pretty similar. Last thing is the amount of credits required to take at either institution, Wayne Requires at least 70 while Oakland is at least 45.

Honestly I don’t know anybody who has personally gone there for engineering, most people I know are nursing and bio (doctor) majors. I’ve heard great things by both. But I just don’t know what to do. How did you guys choose?

Ok I’m 21 transferring to university to study ME, I want to focus on either aerospace, robotics or automotive. Both colleges don’t have individual programs for either besides automotive because yk Michigan. I honestly wasn’t planning on Oakland at first but when I got my FAFSA back I saw the college scorecard from the department of education and this is what i’ve gathered.

Oakland: Pro v. Con Pros: It’s closer to home about a 20 min drive, it also has a very nice campus and parking isn’t as bad as Wayne which is in the heart of Detroit. It’s also cheaper by a little bit and graduates make a little more. My main focus honestly isn’t only money but I won’t lie it plays a big part for me and my family. And although I don’t religiously listen to it but take it my opinion, rate my professor rates a lot of the professors whose classes I’ll be taking in the future really well.

Con: I fear that it being located in the suburbs not really near any big big companies will hurt my networking chances a little.

Wayne State: Pro v. Con Pros: Like I said located in the heart of Detroit, right down the street basically from the GM building, I feel I’ll have a better chance of networking with people there. I also enjoy the city and felt like it’d be nice as a college experience to go there. And not just stay in the suburbs my whole life.

Cons: it’s a 40ish min drive there and 40ish min back, 20 miles which I’ll probably bring driving down to 4 days a week so it’ll put some work on my car. The parking situation is not good at all, and walking in the winter is hell on earth. It’s also a little more expensive and the median ME salary is about 2k less. All the ratings I’ve seen on RMP, state that they have a really poor staff who won’t help you, which I have already felt the hit of by the transfer advisor. And the teachers I’ll have in the future have really bad ratings as well.

Like I said I do not take RMP to heart but it’s definitely something to keep in mind when looking for classes to take. Also a big thing which idk how big, and I’m hoping not too big, is that I’ve already applied and been accepted into Wayne, I haven’t submitted an application Oakland yet and plan on it tomorrow after I speak to an advisor. I’ve basically planned out my entire transfer path for Wayne, but am pretty sure the transfer equivalencies between both are pretty similar. Last thing is the amount of credits required to take at either institution, Wayne Requires at least 70 while Oakland is at least 45.

Honestly I don’t know anybody who has personally gone there for engineering, most people I know are nursing and bio (doctor) majors. I’ve heard great things by both. But I just don’t know what to do. How did you guys choose?