[0 YoE] Graduating with my MSME in December and looking for feedback on my resume draft
I just finished this draft based on this subreddit wiki. I'm open to any feedback and have a couple of specific questions as well. For context, I'm most interested in working at a company making 3D printers as either a mechanical engineer or in R&D, and I have a lot of supporting experience to help get me there. I'm starting my job hunt since I'll be graduating in December, and I want to have stuff ready for networking with companies at an industry trade show in two weeks.
Current questions I have:
- Is thesis title something that should be included on a masters resume?
- I went back and forth on position title vs company first for experience, what do people prefer?
- My listed project was for senior design. Should I disclose that with the project title?
- I have a little extra space that I could fill. My ideas are:
- Adding/expanding on 2-3 bullets
- calling out some relevant elective classes I've taken under education
- adding another project (feels unnecessary since I'm also working on a portfolio)
- add my time and leadership with my school's 3D printing club. I was lab manager for year and a half meaning I was responsible for maintaining our fleet of printers and training new lab users. This feels quite relevant, but I'm iffy on adding another header just for that extracurricular since that feels like overcrowding the bottom of my page. I have other EC/org leadership with honor societies, but I don't want to detract from technical content that much
Thank you for any feedback in advance!