What happens if you don't get a surgery/BC?

Hi all. Suspected Endometriosis. I'm 38, I have Ehlers Danlos syndrome.

I don't live in the USA and I asked several women with Endo how the lap went... And they said that they had a difficult recovery plus bad scarring due to the fact that we with Ehlers Danlos heal slowly and scar badly.

I'm on my own... I don't know if I want to go through Lap. My symptoms are increasing, pain, GI issues, fatigue, etc...

But I am scared. Not only am I on my own when it comes to the surgery, I don't have anyone while I recover. I can't risk it.

What happens if you don't go through with it? I was offered BC but I declined, now the pain has gotten worse.

Also, if there're fellow EDSers here, how did it go for you?