Endo grew back already?🥲
This past October (specifically October 14th) I had my first laparoscopic procedure for endometriosis and was diagnosed with stage 2/3 by my specialist/surgeon. Now, not even six full months later I feel as though my symptoms are starting to come back. I went a little while feeling better, having almost no pain/symptoms and then all the sudden not too long ago it feels like it’s back again; the same exact type of pain and symptoms I felt prior to my surgery…(for reference I just turned 22 years old) is it possible that my Endo could have grown back already? Could it have progressed somehow? My specialist had told me that she thought it would be a while till I had to have another surgery again, maybe like a year and a half or so, so when I saw her the other day and filled her in she seemed concerned. I’ve known that throughout my life I’m most likely going to need to get multiple surgeries to help with my Endo, but I just didn’t think that it would be happening so soon? At the moment I have a pelvic ultrasound exam scheduled for the end of March, if it comes back normal and I’m still in pain my doctor said she wants me to get another pelvic MRI since that’s where my Endo showed up last time…I’m beyond anxious and want to cry. Please LMK ur thoughts & experiences, anything to help a girlie out <3 xo