How do I learn to trust again?

(24F) Since childhood I have had trouble trusting people because of situations I was put in by adults.

Now with my own romantic and adult relationships, it’s so hard for me to believe anything anyone says. Even trying to make new friends. I literally don’t believe anything anyone says to me that they will do for me or the image they appear to be.

I have had partners and friends who knew me for years but did the exact things they knew would hurt me. They knew so much about me.

I hate the “victim card” but I have been through a lot of traumatic events from the closest people in my life like my parents and long time friendships. And it’s really starting to show up in my personality. I’m obviously very different and sad, especially after events of this past year and a half.

I don’t want to feel like this anymore because I believe it holds me back from genuine connection, but part of me is okay with being alone now.

How can I heal my trust and love for others?