I combined 25 different "Greatest Fifth Wave Emo Albums" lists to find what the common consensus is

If I asked 10 people what the greatest movies of all time were I'd probably get 10 different answers. But with a large enough sample you start to get some highly-regarded repeat answers. That's how you get things like Citizen Kane, The Godfather, and Seven Samurai as "typical" answers for greatest movies.

You might remember when I did this last year with all the waves of emo, but this time around it is exclusively fifth wave albums

Some things to note, I limited the list to one album per band, there was a lot of vote splitting for artist who had multiple releases (I'm looking at you Asian Glow), so I combined their totals and awarded the album that was mentioned the most. The only time I picked a different album was when there was a newer album that everyone seemed to gravitate towards more. For example, despite I Became Birds having more votes than the whaler, not a single list had IBB>TW in the time frame that both of those albums had been out.

Anyways, here's the list

Rank Artist Album Year
1 Parannoul To See the Next Part of the Dream 2021
2 Glass Beach The First Glass Beach Album 2019
3 Home is Where The Whaler 2023
4 Weatherday Come In 2019
5 Asian Glow Cull Ficle 2021
6 Origami Angel Somewhere City 2019
7 Your Arms Are My Cocoon Your Arms are My Cocoon 2020
8 Dogleg Melee 2020
9 Pool Kids Pool Kids 2022
10 Guitar Fight from Fooly Cooly Soak 2020
11 Awakebutstillinbed What People Call Self Esteem 2018
12 Hey, ILY Psychokinetic Love Songs 2022
13 Ogbert the Nerd I Don't Hate you 2020
14 Oso Oso Basking in the Glow 2019
15 Stomach Book Stomach Book 2021
16 Prince Daddy & The Hyenna Cosmic Thrill Seekers 2019
17 Lobsterfight Sun Soaking 2022
18 bed bug life like moving pictures 2020
19 The Civil War in France The Civil War in France 2021
20 Short Fictions Fates Worse Than Death 2019​

If you wanna see the working list with every album that was even mentioned once, that can be found here. If you're looking for more aggregate lists like these, I've done them for emo, rap, punk, grunge, pop punk, stoner metal, and metalcore albums. Enjoy