What are some good emo bands for someone who likes more stereotypically... 'heavyhanded' emo? /gen
And by stereotypical/heavyhanded, I guess I mean, like, before I discovered this sub I had no idea Promise Ring was an emo band. I never would've been able to guess that. I really just don't get it. It seems so toothless to me (sorry). I'm also not the biggest American Football enjoyer either. They have good songs, but I fear I unironically only really like emo music that falls in line with the copypasta. I like it raw, but driven (Rites of Spring, Pg. 99, and awakebutstillinbed are my favorites). As long as it's emotionally heavy and intense, I'm there. I like a few of the big hits, like King Park, some Hot Mulligan songs and 27 by Title Fight. And of course, as you could guess, I like stuff that's 'not real emo' like MCR.
Thank you!