Noah feels like Noah again after years of not
The one thing I like about Joe returning is that its turned Noah back to how he used to be. This feels like an actual older Noah and not whatever personality transplant he had for the past few years. Both him and Samson got weird personality transplants around the same time where Noah became a creep and Samson became a selfish asshole and it always felt out of character for both. Especially Samson because his storyline felt like it was originally meant for that redone creepy Noah and then they just pivoted it to Samson instead to "redeem" Noah and be "unpredictable" then Noah got ANOTHER personality transplant where he was basically Amelia's simp and a caring father. Then they randomly suddenly broke up because they needed Amelia for Tom's storyline and Noah didn't seemed to care and just floated around.
Then its like, now this feels like actual Noah again, friends with Jacob etc.