There’s this guy on YouTube who uses AI to make Joe Swanson (from Family Guy) sing songs from Sonic games, is that copyright infringement?
He even shows gameplay footage from Sonic games, with a JOE SWANSON MOD. Very custom, very awesome.
He specifically records his own voice to change it, rather than direct TTS, so it sounds better because it catches voice pronunciations and stuff.
I enjoy these, and want to make my own stuff like this. Also like AI Presidents (using PNG cutouts, maybe make them kind of waddle like South Park characters, key frames accomplish this basic low budget feature).
I don’t know if he imports the whole song into ElevenLabs and the voice changes it, or actually sings himself and gets the tracks without lyrics and puts his own (AI changed) voice over the instrumentals, but he’s crafted this whole AU and storyline narrative of Joe Swanson going into Sonic games and taking over, and he makes the other characters talk too to react to Joe (“just go with it, this guys clearly unstable) and Joe Swanson going Super is just him flying and losing his wheelchair (super Joe becomes uncrippled 😂).
But I’m very doubtful this even has monetization potential (no idea if they were already eligible from meeting subscriber and view requirements, looks like they could be). I feel they are putting their hand in the Fox’s mouth (20th Century Fox) and at major risk of getting copyright strikes, or at the VERY LEAST, claims. I also expect Patrick Warburton (Joe’s voice actor) could sue him personally for impersonation or something? I’m pretty sure they had to have used actual voice clips from the show to get (probably ElevenLabs) to even generate the voice.
I’m doubtful this would fall under fair use, especially because it DIRECTLY uses copyrighted content to generate an AI voice.
I’m so tempted to do it, because it fuels fanfiction fantasies (I swear nothing nasty) and I can’t use my own voice (even without trying to do impression of anyone) and I’m just stumped and stuck on content. I can’t afford the full AI video generators to make fully “unique” (you know what I mean by unique) videos, and I really liked the AI Presidents (different channel, but couldn’t they sue for their likeness being used? Even if they’re just playing games and not being used for real life political manipulation) which are actually just PNG cutouts moving on a background……
I have no direction in life, and no clear content plan of mg own. I am kind of trying commentary over gameplay (not my own gameplay but I got permission to use it) but it feels kind of dead and boring, and I feel kind of whiny and complaining and not sure people want to hear that.
I’m pretty much giving up on life, so it doesn’t even really matter if I get sued, I don’t have much money to lose, and really no future to lose.
If I’m REALLY lucky, maybe someone like Adult Swim will want to hire me to make an original show (which if it’s what I wanted to do but abandoned due to not seeing it worth trying to do in my life now, would probably be more expensive than Rick and Morty, because each episode would take place in a completely different setting). Or I could do a different show idea.
I know that’s unlikely to happen, that’s why I said “If I’m REALLY lucky”. That’s all anything in life is anyway, getting lucky, kind of a random contest.
I have nothing I can focus on and trust to lead to anything. All these years gone by and my life gone nowhere. Wtf am I supposed to do?
BS jobs still don’t pay a basic living wage even after 6 years later. BS lie “get a job so you can progress in life”. Absolute BS lie. Working is a scam.