Bent Z axis issue on the Saturn 2
Hello, I recently acquired a Saturn 2 used (supposedly almost new - used for ~10 prints). My first test prints were fine (Amera towns) - so I accepted the transaction (fml) meaning I can't send it back, but as, a short while later, taller prints came out with wrong dimensions I sought the source of the issue and eventually realized that my Z axis tower is bent.
The build plate after levelling
The Saturn 2 with a bent Z Axis
Yes, I don't know how it took me this long to realize it when it's very obvious now.
So I thought I'd try to fix it; to do that I most likely need to open it up and tighten the back Z axis screw and loosen the front one (I suppose ?).
Unfortunately, I can't seem to open it either:
Because one screw just won't come off; it seems to have been damaged. I tried using a flexible screwdriver, the screw didn't budge (and I damaged the flex part...) I do have a damaged screw extraction kit; but with the screw right in the middle of the Z axis base there's no way to access it with it.
So, I guess where I'm going is, does anyone know how I can save this printer ? Or did I just get got, knowingly or unknowingly ?
And if I can't fix the printer... how should I go about compensating in software for a drift of the build plate as it goes up ? I mean, the prints are wrong, but they're predictably wrong in just one way, if I can just shift every layer accordingly, however hacky this solution is, I expect the prints would come out just fine.
In fact I figure there's a good chance should I fix the printer that it would still have a some non vertical Z axis to a smaller extent (so might other printers) and that learning how to compensate it in software would be handy in getting slightly more accurate prints there.
Thanks !