EB Commander Mini Screen Glitching
I just picked up a Commander Mini today and I love it. In mint condition. The seller told me that one time he tried to turn it on and it wouldn’t power on. He made a warranty claim and they sent him a new main board to replace. He replaced it himself. I have quite a bit of soldering and electronics experience so I took a look inside and he seemed to have done a good job.
As I started riding it around today I noticed that the screen would sometimes glitch. It usually only starts after riding for a second, not when you first turn it on. Sometimes the screen will get stuck in the glitched state and tapping it seems to help. It seems to get triggered by higher speeds, maybe due to electrical reasons or vibrational reasons. When I opened it up I didn’t seen any loose connections to the screen PCB. The wheel is still under warranty I believe but if this is a simple fix I could likely do it myself. I’m thinking some sort of loose connection or maybe EMI interference from the motor? Let me know if y’all have any ideas before I start poking around more!