Anyone else just... not having fun anymore?

I know I've made a post or two about this already, but I just really need to rant and get some stuff off of my chest. The entire endgame is honestly the worst I have ever played, and it's too hard. I'm not even getting enjoyment out of this anymore. I'm at the final boss and Radagon is cool, but WHY do I have to fight him every. single. time. Elden Beast I've gotten to like 4 hits left but then I just get one shot by another bullshit AOE attack. I don't think I'm ever going to play this game again to be honest, or if I do, I'll never finish it again. At this point I just want to finish the game because I've put so much time into it. After Morgott the game just took a 180 in bad game and boss design, WAYY too difficult and unfair (literally just running away from things now, which is no fun), and some bosses I just have to continue struggling until I can brute force my way through them, which is never fun. All of these bosses have 5-6 combo hits that can easily one shot you + a lot are basically bloodborne bosses that shouldn't exist in a dark souls like game. Idk, I'm sure it's shit you've all heard before, but I just needed to get it off of my chest. Just not having fun anymore, and I really don't think I'll ever play this game again.