A friend once told me…

While working on an oil tanker for many months, they would have him clean and paint the ship. The ship being so large it took many hours to finish, months even. By the time he got to the bow of the ship and finally finished painting on the anti rust paint, he was told to take a break and start at the beginning again as by the time had passed painting on his own it was now time to work on the part he had started on months ago. But he told me he didn’t mind because it was like painting the ship for the first time because he couldn’t really remember the first coat.. it had taken so long and there where so many cracks and crevices to paint, it kept him busy.

Whether or not my friend was simply sinning a yarn is irrelevant, the point is I’m on my second run of Elden Ring, about 90 hrs in, I have seen things that I’m sure I saw before but it’s almost like the first time, because here too are many cracks and crevices, some which I missed on my first run through… and on this run I hope to finally beat the final boss (upon which I did fail on the previous pass), so there will be something new to see…

But moreover and more importantly, I’m looking forward, to going back to the beginning, starting at the aft of the ship once again if you will… Asking myself, will I enjoy exploring these crevices once again…?

I can hear a resounding answer…

“Try finger, but hole”