Only Miquella that had a saint Trina?
We see Sellen casually swap flesh, Shabriri takes an unused flesh as his own, and we know Ranni used to be a red haired taller maiden. And that saint Trina used to be Miquella, or a part of him, maybe old flesh discarded.
Personally I think Fromsoft taken it further. That all the demi god kids had older alter ego that we get to meet through fog walls, and who leaves no corpse. Is it just me, or other that suspect Fromsoft might have a hidden puzzle of what discarded soulless flesh used to be who?
Like.. some guesses.
Girl with 3 wolves —> ? —> ? —> Renna the red haired doll smith witch, maker of mechanical war dolls like abductor maidens, marionette soldiers —> Ranni of Castle SOL, maker of hand / finger zombies to taunt GW —> Ranni of the stars —> (open head of Astel of gravity magic, kills fingers) —> empyrean lunar princess Ranni, starting of age of stars.
Miquella the empyrean —> gains intelligence —> Miquella of first generation Albinaurics (female? maybe Loretta?) —> gains faith / gold —> saint Trina of wolf riders —> rot removed from his being —> saint Trina of 2nd generation Albinaurics that walks, not crawl —> Miquella of Castle Sol (death themed) —> saint Trina torch —> Miquella the unalloyed golden needle smith (growing huge as a smith with Fel God smithing powers) —> DLC Miquella that cast away all his gains.
The omen twins in sewer—> named crucible knights lieutenants in Godfrey’s crucible army covered in full body armour (dark and lighter) —> Margitt —> gains holy magic —> Morgott the grace given / Mogh.
Vyke —> gains frenzy, new scaly flesh —> Rykard
Maiden in shield of the guilty (first death) —> Tiche (2nd death) —> Vyke’s maiden (third death / burn marks) —> Melina of butterflies (your maiden, 4th death)
Like the pieces fit.. but they kept the swaps so hidden and cryptic, that there is no proof, except what we see with D brothers, Sellen and Shabriri..
Anyways, I think they have such logic built in.. that flesh swaps is the norm among gods.. that all the demi gods had their saint Trina’s.