quitting 150mg cold turkey. any advices? 👀

Hey everyone! I've been taking Effexor 150mg for a couple of months but recently decided to quit cold turkey and I want to share my experience with you so far.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that quitting Effexor cold turkey can be dangerous, and I strongly advise against it. I am aware of the potential risks, but I couldn't cope with the nightmares and anxiety that the medication was causing me.

I apologize if my English isn't perfect; it's not my first language, but my goal is to ensure you understand what I'm saying rather than writing a novel, haha.

I took my last pill on Sunday morning, so today is day 3. Here are my symptoms:

Day 1 - Monday: I had a mostly fine day, but during the night, I experienced a couple of hours that felt like a panic attack. I thought I was going to die, had difficulty breathing, felt detached from my hands, had a dry mouth, and couldn't focus. However, these symptoms subsided fairly quickly.

Day 2 - Tuesday: I woke up feeling good, had no nightmares (🙌🏼), and felt fine throughout the day. In the evening, I started feeling anxious again, but it was much better than on Day 1. I began to feel slightly dizzy, but it was manageable.

Day 3 - Wednesday (today): I woke up late and felt tired. I didn't have nightmares, but my dreams were vivid, which may be why I couldn't rest properly. The dizziness has increased a bit, and I have a sensation of heaviness in my head.

I'm starting to worry about what might happen from here on, as I initially thought the worst part would be these first few days. I'm curious about your experiences: what were your worst days when quitting Effexor? How long did you feel unwell, and were you able to work during this time?