Interview tips? Bit of a weird situation...

Hi friends,

I have an interview with the EDD on the 26th.

I was forced to resign from my job the first week of November 2021. The situation behind that is during the pandemic (starting March 2020), our whole company began working from home. During that period of time, I had a baby. My job knew this. Mid October 2021, we received an email stating that everyone must be back in the office full time by November 1. Child care in our area (maybe all over the place?) is incredibly expensive & hard to come by, and I was unable to procure childcare before the return to work deadline. During the process, I was in communication with my supervisors, who were in communication with the VP's & HR. There was no room for any negotiations - I tried to work out a hybrid situation temporarily, and just straight up asked for more time at home so I could have more time to find care. They were unwilling to negotiate. Thus, I had to resign on 11/9.

Knowing this situation, how can I best handle this interview? What are my odds of being approved for unemployment? I'm a bit nervous about it as we really need the back-payment to cover some bills we've fallen behind on during the gap.

Thank you!