Please Suggest Some Edm Songs For A Newbie

Basically what the title suggests. I'm a music ADDICT. I always have been. I love it so much. But for some reason, I have a hard time getting into edm and understanding it, but I WANT TO. I've never tripped or done molly, but I do smoke weed very occasionally (IM SORRY IF THATS OFFENSIVE, idk if that's relevant or not). My boyfriend of 2 years is really in love with edm and i really want to connect with him with it. Here is a list of songs that I found from him that I do really like, to give you a feel of what I might like:

Dissolve- Liquid Stranger.

Negative Spiral- EastGhost.

Sleepy Head- Passion Pit.

FineShine- Purity Ring.

Show Me- Big Wild.

Elevated- Swum.

Black Out Days- Subtronics