Holy crap, Tayam is insane

Just got done playing a game between Tayamm, Luminous Enigma and Syr Konrad, the Grim. Before the game even started, I thought Tayam was going to be cooked. Because there's a good amount of recursion with Tayam. And Konrad loves graveyard stuff. Surprisingly, Tayam wiped the board with Konrad. Tayam was doing pretty good with hitting the land drops. Then Karametra, God of Harvests hit the board...holy cow. Never used Karametra before and it went hard. Ran out of basic forests to search for. Almost ran out of room with the mana rocks and land I was getting. The mvp of the deck might have to go to Avenging Huntbonder. Over time, I had at least 3-4 creatures with vigilance and double strike. Konrad did play the spell where you can switch your graveyard with your library, then put the library in the graveyard. Got Tayam down to single digits. But it wasn't enough. Long story short, never underestimate a commander. You never know if they'll pop off lol.