Commanders power level and the bracket.

I think one of the biggest misses of the bracket system is not talking about the power difference in the different commanders. I do believe the commanders should be divided in different groups.

I will admit that it will lead to more confusion, so i am not sure that this is the correct way to do it, but i feel games with wasly different level of commander power, leads to worse games.

Power Best:
[[Ketramose, the New Dawn]] Much draw, hard to remove.
[[Najeela, the Blade-Blossom]] Good combo potential

Power Middel:
[[Winter, Misanthropic Guide]] Draw for all, build around hard to remove.
[[The Jolly Balloon Man]] High potential for grind, and combo.

Power Low:
[[Hurska Sweet-Tooth]] No card selection, little combo potential.
[[Jyoti, Moag Ancient]] No card selection, little combo potential.

I have just taken some of the newest commanders and put them in the three piles as examples. Many cards in the lower end of the power spectrum typically don't have a lot of card selections an typically low combo potential.

When you play, do you feel like the power level of the commanders becomes a problem?