Either I misunderstand mana bullying or this article is wrong
Article: https://commandersherald.com/no-tolerance-for-bullying-in-cedh/
The proposed scenario is player A has placed a Thassa's Oracle that will win the game on the stack and passed priority. Player B has a red elemental blast, but knows that player C has a force of will, and as such passes priority to force player C to use their force of will. Player C claims that they cannot cast force of will, and taps a land before passing priority so that the thoracle will not resolve after player D passes. Afterwards, player D passes, and player A passes once more. At this point, the article claims that player B can pass once again and force player C to continue tapping their mana until they're completely out. However, by my understanding of priority, player B passing at this point would instantly resolve the thoracle and end the game. Am I misunderstanding? Here's the sequence so it's more visually intuitive, with letters representing who is gaining priority:
A -> thoracle
C -> tap a land
after B passes here, all four players have passed in succession which should advance the stack if I understand correctly.
Edit: Lots of folks are claiming that tapping the mana "resets the round of priority", which isn't strictly wrong but is being misconstrued as "priority starts over at player A then proceeds" which IS strictly wrong (it "starts over" at whoever tapped the land). From the official rules:
- 117.3b The active player receives priority after a spell or ability (other than a mana ability) resolves.
emphasis on "other than a mana ability"
- 117.3c If a player has priority when they cast a spell, activate an ability, or take a special action, that player receives priority afterward.
My original assessment that the article is wrong is in fact correct, as the article claims that player B can repeat this process an indefinite number of times while taking no actions, which is not true - if they attempt to pass priority again after C, D and A have passed with no actions intervening, the thoracle will resolve.