You don't owe people your time
I was playing a game at my LGS this past week. I forgot to request to not be put in a pod with one of the players and naturally I ended up in a pod with them. I have told this individual in the past that I do not like to play with them. They play a style of magic that I don't enjoy. I have told them this.
But this week made me remember that I don't have to play a game with someone just because they are available to play or we get put into a pod together. If you are playing something that I don't enjoy or don't want to experience, I don't have to. I've noticed a lot, not everyone, but a lot of other people who play commander seem to forget this or are newer to the game and don't know this
Kind of just some food for thought
Edit: I played the game btw. I was locked out of the game on turn 3, which is why I don't like playing with this individual. All he plays is Stax, and no that is not an exaggeration. He has 3 different stax decks.