Is Bracket System teaching new players how to approach EDH optimally?
Nobody should fall for “The New EDH player Curse”, and I think this system could help.
Here’s what I mean:
This is one for my first decks, a personal favorite with a story attached, and as you can see is rather DEGENERATE:
This happened because of what i call:”The new EDH Player Curse”.
The first games of my playgroup were swingy and fun and the atmosphere was chill, but before long everything devolved in a rapid arm race.
The [[Yuriko]] player adding tutors, [[Sensei’s Divining Top]] and [[Bolas’s Citatadel]], the hatebears starting to appear in [[Winota]], and the [[Shalai and Hallar]] pilot ending games with [[War Elemental]]
I too fell victim to the curse. I started playing [[Pantlaza]], powering it up before ending with my current [[Etali, Primal Conqueror]] list.
But I kinda missed the more relaxed - battle oriented EDH experience, and seeing this new Bracket System got me thinking.
Every Bracket in this system is designed to describe an experience.
And I feel every one of these experiences is worth trying.
I really think that if I had started playing with this system already in place my group and I would have approached EDH in a more conscious way.
So this feels like a step in the right direction!
What do you think? Were you taken by the curse too?
Your friendly dinosaur enjoyer!