thoughts on this “nasty” combo in my deck.

so ive recently made a [[plagon, lord of the beach]] deck, and it has a load of infinite combos in it,

but i think the combo im most happy with is a sort of “1 card combo”.

i dont really know if true 1 card combos exist, this combo specifically just needs 1 specific card and a sort of generic card (&mana) to work,

but essentially just find 1 card in the deck and i win.

so ill get into it,

[[recruiter of the guard]] is a creature that tutors a creature with toughness=<2,

so i play recruiter and tutor a [[displacer kitten]] , displacer kitten flickers a non-land permanent when i cast a noncreature spell.

at this point i need to play a generic non-creature spell, using it to trigger kitten and flicker recruiter,

then i tutor a [[trinket mage]] with the recruiter, trinket mage lets you tutor a cmc=<1 artifact when it etbs, so i tutor a positive rock (mana vault, sol ring, mox’s), when the rock etb’s it triggers kitten,

you flicker the recruiter with that trigger and tutor [[stockpiling celebrant]] , this card bounces a non-land permanent of mine when it etbs (& scrys 2), i cast this, bouncing the rock, then play the rock which triggers kitten, flickering the celebrant which bounces the rock and i present a loop for infinite mana, at this point you can flicker the trinket mage and find any cmc=<1 artifacts, like a colored-mana rock, or a wincon like [[altar of the brood]], alternatively you keep making infinite mana until your scry your whole deck and put a different finisher like [[glaring fleshraker]] , [[blind obedience]] or [[radiant solar]] ontop of library, then keep the rock in hand when its bounced, cast my commander plagon, drawing that card, cast it, then cast the rock, restarting the loop which infinitely flickers a creature and casts a rock.

this combo was originally with [[drafna, founder of lat-nam]] and required mana vault, sol ring, and 2 mox’s, but this version only needs a sol ring and like a springleaf drum or something, so far more budget friendly.

any suggestions/improvements or other lines i could perhaps tutor?