My ED food obsession resulted in me becoming a micro food influencer in my city

Ice cream is my ultimate safe food. Unlike normal food, which makes me uncomfortable by reminding me that I have a psychical body, ice cream is light, cold and pleasant.

In an attempt to stabilise my weight loss, I've been challenging myself to visit all the stores that sell ice cream and similar dessert stores (shaved ice, bingsu, soft serve, acai, etc). I'd spend hours obsessively documenting locations, their prices, what flavours they offer, how late they open, and how accessible they are.

Whether it be food obsession or for fun, I began to take photos and write personal ratings and decided to post them on google reviews.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but when I started getting email notifications regarding my reviews, I checked and saw my profile had thousands of views, reacts and followers. Businesses started taking my reviews seriously, and under negative reviews, I got responses from owners promising to improve their service.

I find it amusing that my eating disorder resulted in me having a stake in the FOOD influencer space, but anything can happen based on the things people share on here.