ER and being told I'm okay

I did an ecg in May I think and it showed long QTc and low T waves. I've been feeling shitty the past few months. I've been passing out often, sometimes for minutes at a time according to my boyfriend completely unresponsive and sometimes I have spasm that look like a seizure but I have a really bad phobia of hospitals and doctors after three IP stays and some bad experiences. I've also been dismissed often because of my visible sh scars. So I hafn't really checked out if something was going on really bad with my health. I've also been having crazy chest pains and heart palpitations. My last blood tests before today were mostly normal other than anemia and low pottasium. Today I took double my adhd meds dose (by accident, i forgot that i had taken it and took it again) and heart palpitations lasted my whole work day and I decided to ask a coworker if she'd be okay to go with me to the hospital after I fainted in the bus. (We are both university students away from our home town). I am completely and utterly terrified of hospitals so actually going was really big for me and I would not step a foot if I didn't feel especially bad. I had an ecg. The doctor gave a quick look and said that it was fine and that the long qt I mentioned wasn't there. I said that even if it wasn't that how I felt certainly wasn't fine and mentioned the fainting and the irregular heartbeats. He said that I am 20 years old and what he sees is fine so it must be psychological. And basically I went home. My bloods were FINE (still very anemic though and probably dehydrated I had really low urea but my pottasium was in the normal range? Without me taking supplements? Even though im still using behaviors on the daily and no symptoms improvement?) Also somehow my blood sugar was 102 even though I had eaten nothing all day other than a juice box hours ago (not saying this to brag but I just can't understand how??? I'm very prone to hypoglycemia generally????).... I saw the ecg. I don't know how to read them properly but there is usually the results that the machine picked up somewhere on the paper and also the values clearly written. This one didn't have those... So I don't know if it was just a tired overworked doctor not wanting to deal with me or if I've convinced myself that I'm so sick that I feel that bad???

And I'm too scared to go take a second opinion. I also don't have the money to visit a private doctor practice. I'm confused and tired and just feel that if I was emaciated Maybe they would search more (I have uw bmi but to most people I look thin but like NOT LIKE AN ANOREXIC BEACUSE IM NOT THE OTHER MOTHER FROM CORALINE)

It's 5am I have to go to work in a few hours I'm still dizzy as he'll and my heart feels weird but I'm also an emotional mess. I don't know howbto deal