Does anyone else here(adult) still live with your parents?
I’m 21 years old, I started university online for 2 years when the pandemic hit. I moved away for university to my dorm for about 4 months (1 semester) about 2 years ago now, during that time my ed completely went downhill and I had no support and no one to stop me - from extreme restriction and b/p I was falling apart and my grades showed for it, it was impossible for me to focus on school and care for myself. During summer break when I moved home temporarily I was so happy, my family is what I needed and my mom was so worried about the state I was in when I came home. During that summer I focused on me and with my family I was doing amazing and I don’t think I b/p once. I was terrified to return because I could feel myself go back to that state of mind. I tried it away but I only made it a week before I called my mom crying saying that I couldn’t do it and that with my counseling from my school pushed for medical leave. My mom cried with me and said that she never wanted me to go back there and is so happy and wants the best for me no matter what. I don’t know what I would do without her support. I felt like a failure, a drop out but please someone tell me I’m not a failure and my recovery is most important right, it just looks bad for the people who don’t know what I’m going through. Im still living at home, at 21 surrounded by the best support system and drs and dietitians and physiatrists. I don’t drive so my mom is my main transportation (I couldn’t go anywhere in university because of travel) I walked everywhere with like no energy. my point is I still feel like a failure because of this. even though I’m the most happiest with my family ,dad mom and little brother I wouldn’t want it any other way, we always say there’s no rush to recovery when you are ready you will get your licence and try uni and growth on your own again. When I am ready. I still feel this pressure always to leave and “grow up” don’t get me wrong I’m extremely responsible and Independent, my family needs me more I believe lol which is nice to hear I do a lot. My friends are all graduated now with nurse degrees and one is pregnant. I feel extremely lucky to have this support system but I feel guilty I’m this old and still live with my parents.