Is anyone else embarrassed by their weight loss?
I’ve lost a significant amount of weight these past two months after a full year without a significant relapse, only minor slip ups. I forgot how embarrassing it was though.I want to keep losing weight but I don’t want people to keep pointing it out. I’ve gotten a few comments this past week about it. When I walked into work the other day, my coworker goes, “Hannah have you been losing weight?” AND I ACCIDENTALLY GLARED AT HER. It was my gut reaction. I texted her and apologized. She meant it as a compliment and said I looked good. I was mostly confused because I didn’t know it was noticeable. I don’t want anyone to realize I’m losing more weight because I’m at the point where I still look healthy, but if I lose a little more, I wouldn’t. I’m mostly ashamed of how I did it because I don’t want anyone to think I’m crazy. Does anyone else relate?