us vs screens
so frustrated. I have a 4yo student who cannot focus on any activity, even preferred ones, for over 3-5 minutes. he does not understand conversational etiquette at all- will continue to talk at the top of his lungs even if the entire class is quiet. He cannot focus on “academic” pre-k activities: won’t hold a pencil, will not cooperate with small group work, and yes I know about incentives, tailoring lessons to his interests, etc. if he doesn’t get what he want he screams and screams. We tried using coloring materials and pictures of his favorite toys and trains and it had no effect.
The other day, his bus was late so I let him take out his tablet, which I never do (he uses it on the bus ride there since his bus ride is 2 hours. Why doesn’t he go to a school closer to his house? No idea.) I’ve never seen him so engaged in something. He is able to give it full attention, of course. he describes what he is doing in the game, and it’s the most vocabulary he uses all day. The rest of the day is just “I want x toy, I want my tablet). I tried to read a book to just him so that his classmates wouldn’t distract him and he was writhing around on the couch and throwing himself on the floor.
It’s the same for almost all of my students. It’s like they’re allergic to books: big books, small books, books with stuff to touch or move, sitting in a couch, big chair, or on the carpet. The idea that they’d have to actually sit and listen is so foreign to them. Is this really what early childhood education is now? Thank god I didn’t have a phone until I was like 14.
no advice please just wanted to rant