Leaving Baby to Sleep in the Jumper

I am a parent. I have a 10 month old. Often my daycare will send me a photo of my kid asleep in the jumper because they think it's cute. I find it concerning that he's being left in the jumper for a long time and they are not paying attention to his cues. I'm wondering from a professional stance if this is the norm/acceptable? Am I being unreasonable to be upset by this?

Edit: Thank you everyone for assuring me this is odd. I reached out and they tried to state that they tried to put him down for a nap, but he wasn't having it, so they put him in the jumper. He was only in there for 10 minutes before falling asleep. I don't entirely believe this especially since they don't seem to have any sense of urgency to get him in the crib since they are pausing to snap a photo. Hopefully this is a wake up call or at worst they will continue doing it and I won't see evidence. I will be looking at other daycares. My older son goes to preschool there and loves it. His teachers are great, so this will be hard.