As an 18y/o should I buy an e90/e92 m3?

Hey all, I am 18 years old in my senior year of high school. I am about to go to college and I will be getting paid monthly checks to go to college (around 2k a month) on top of working a full time job netting me around $800 per week. Should I buy a m3? I already have a e93 335i and a e90 335xi that i plan to single turbo this fall. I want to be in an M car but I don’t know if it makes sense to buy one now rather than waiting because I have a feeling rarer specs of these cars are going to appreciate as the e36 and e46 have in recent years. I don’t want to overpay later down the line but I don’t know if it makes sense to buy one right now. If I were to buy one now, I’d be looking for one around the 25k-30k price point and I would put down 10-15k depending on whether or not I single turbo my e90 by the end of this year. Do you all think the market for these cars is going to go down for the e9x m3 or is it going to appreciate from here on out? Before anyone spews bullshit about s65 reliability blah blah blah… I’ve been working on BMWS as long as I can remember. I am not afraid of the s65 and I know how to turn a wrench. This car would not be a daily driver either.