Hello all, freshly new to the game, finished my first campaign on easy, and holy schmoly is it hard.

I'm no stranger to grand strategy games—I’ve played plenty of Halo Wars and Starship Troopers: Terran Command—but Dune: Spice Wars is definitely the most fun and the most difficult. I have a few questions I’m hoping someone can help with:

  1. Outposts – Are they supposed to be incredibly difficult and time-consuming to destroy? It feels like they take forever. Am I missing something?
  2. Calendar Time – How exactly does the in-game time work? I’ve played timed missions, and I swear I’m about to run out of time, only to check the clock and see that the date is further behind than it was before. Is there a trick to understanding how it progresses?
  3. Grenade Launcher Units – How am I supposed to use these guys effectively? I've only done one full Atreides playthrough so far.
  4. Village Elimination Missions – On missions where I have to eliminate all enemy villages, it feels like an endless cycle. I’ll take a few down, only for the AI to suddenly spam and recapture a bunch. I’m splitting my units into four different groups just to stop them from reclaiming the same villages over and over. Am I missing something, or is this just how those missions go?
  5. The A.I. –– Doe's the AI have to meet the imperial tax quota? Can I starve them out? Or do they operate based on different rules?
  6. Deals – Are the research agreements and other deals worth doing?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!