Methylene blue really works!!

My diagnosis:

meibomian gland dysfunction, ocular rosacea and I’ve struggled with demodex mites. I have significant gland loss, atrophy, and shrinkage. I’ve struggled with my eyes for years, especially redness, eyelid pain and light sensitivity.

What I’ve tried:

• 9 IPL’s (helped for maybe a month after each IPL but no lasting results) • Cequa (burned like hell) • Meibo (made eyes more red) • Serum tears spun at 40% (felt cooling to the eye but no significant improvement) • Xdemvy (Stung my eyes, my Dr had me stop them after week 5 because the stinging was so bad) • Warm compress 1-2 times a day • Omega 3 & 7, eyebright herb, bilberry, vitamin A and many other supplements. • Topical & oral ivermectin (did help demodex) • Various eye washes • doxycycline • castor oil • manuka honey gel, not the drops. • steroids eyedrops • red light therapy (at home & in office)

I found slight relief with some of this but was still in pain everyday. My biggest symptoms were upper eyelid pain, tired eyes that felt like they wanted to stay shut, redness, clogged glands, bad veins in eyes, blurry vision at times, inflammation in eyelids, misdirected lashes.

I started methylene blue 1% after reading a success story from a fellow DED suffer in this community. It’s been a little over a month now that I’ve been taking it. This is what I’ve noticed…

I DO NOT INJECT IT or PUT IT IN MY EYES! I drink it orally!!!

First my eyelid pain stopped, then the veins in my eyes started to shrink and not look as red, then my light sensitivity improved and I wasn’t noticing blurry vision. Within a week and a half of taking methylene blue I was symptom free and have stayed that way ever since! It has given me my life back!

I started on a low dose and have worked my way up. Currently I mix 8 drops of methylene blue into a glass of water and drink it in the morning once a day. I do not take any other medications or eyedrops. DO NOT PUT IT IN EYES!

I educated myself on methylene blue by watching every video I could find, joined methylene blue groups on Facebook to hear others stories and there is also a methylene blue community on Reddit.

My daily routine now looks like this…

Morning… take methylene blue orally, omega 3 & 7 and vitamin A, wash eyes with baby shampoo Night… wash eyes with baby shampoo, apply castor oil to my face (I ditched all other skin care products), spray face with hypochlorous acid. THATS IT!

1 week ago I went to my eye Dr and had her do red light therapy and gland expression. She noted that the glands that were not expressing previously were starting to express. She was amazed and I literally cried I was so happy!

My eyes are whiter, brighter looking and feeling normal again. I know this is a very controversial thing and not everything works for everybody, but this is giving me my life back, so I hope that somebody else finds this and also benefits from this.

⭐️⭐️⭐️ From what I’ve read anyone who is on ANTIDEPRESSANTS or SSRI’s should stop those medications before taking MB. they should NOT be mixed! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I am not on any meds personally.

I would love to answer any questions!