What's working for me - Treatment plan
Hey guys, I thought I'll make a post about what has been working for me so far in dealing with dry eyes. Maybe people can take something from it and use it for themselves as well. I cannot guarantee what I am doing will work, but it is worth a try.
This is a long post so please bear with me.
For reference:
- I have been dealing with dry eyes since 2022 summer. Cannot remember the exact date.
- The dry eyes were induced because of 2 months Accutane usage. I was prescribed the medication for 6 months but after 2 months, my eyes were EXTREMELY inflamed and dry.
- I have around 90% of all my Meibomian Glands. My TBUT was 1-2 seconds and I was unable to keep my eyes open for long with or without eye drops. I was laying in bed all day using warm compresses which did not make a difference.
- I also have an incomplete blink/Lagophthalamos in my left eye. The cause is unknown and I developed it beginning of this year. I began noticing symptoms for it when I would wake up with red shot, dry eyes. When I had the A/C running in the summer, I would wake up in the middle of the night with my left eye being entirely dry and in pain.
- My Lacrimal Glands also do not produce enough or good quality aqueous portion of my tears.
- I work in front of a computer all day and at home I work on my personal business which is also in front of a computer all day. Not to mention being on your phone on top of that.
Overall, I have been diagnosed with MGD, incomplete blink/Lagophthalamos, conjunctivitis, aqueous deficient dry eye disease, evaporative dry eye disease - All encompassing Dry Eye Disease.
Past treatment:
During this time, I was not given an official diagnosis by the Optometrist I was seeing. I was simply prescribed this routine which I followed religiously.
- Following my Accutane disaster, I was prescribed corticosteroid eye drop - Fluorometholone 3x a day with OTC eye drops (REFRESH eye drops was what I used) every 30 minutes.
- Omega 3s (4x pills a day).
- Warm compresses with a wet towel and hot water.
My condition improved drastically, mostly due to the corticosteroid in my opinion. Soon after, I was told to stop using the medication and had also moved to a dry climate region here in Canada. My eyes eventually became inflamed again and the dry eye issues came back.
Beginning of this year, my eyes got extremely worse.
Current routine:
Before reading my routine, please know that I got Lipiflow done 3 months ago. All my glands were entirely clogged. Following Lipiflow, my glands are not clogged anymore and my glands are producing oil. However they are not producing a lot of oil and the quality is meh but it is 100x better than before Lipiflow.
Restasis is also helping me produce more tears. As per my eye doctor, the production was "decent". It is not the best but it is not the worst either.
- Sleep - Get good amount of sleep and on a consistent schedule. I experience flareups and bad days when my sleep is not consistent. For the past 2 months, I have been sleeping at 22:30 and waking up at 06:00. My body naturally wakes up slightly before 06:00 on its own and my eyes feel refreshed. The main key takeaway is at least 7-8 hours of sleep and a consistent schedule. If the schedule is not consistent, where you are being abruptly awakened, you will experience bad flare ups imo.
- Cyclosporine: I have been prescribed Restasis which I take two times a day, 12 hours apart. It assists in increasing tear production - specifically helps my Lacrimal Glands produce more aqueous portion of my tears. I have been taking it for a year now and it definitely helps me. I have been taking it for more than a year now. I take it in the morning at 09:00 and again at night at 21:00.
- Supplments: Omega 3s, Omega 7s, Magnesium, and Probiotics.
- I take PRN De3 Omega 3s (3x a day - 07:00, 12:00, 16:00 - https://eyedropshop.ca/collections/prn/products/copy-of-dry-eye-omega-benefits-soft-gels) - Is supposed to assist with inflammation, oil/lipid regulation in the body including eyes.
- SIBU Sea Buckthorn Oil Omega 7s (2x a day - 07:00 and 16:00 - https://www.amazon.ca/Therapy-Omega-7-Softgels-Himalayan-Buckthorn/dp/B00II3JDYK) - Is supposed to assist with inflammation, oil/lipid regulation in the body including eyes.
- Magnesium (1x a day - https://www.amazon.ca/Webber-Naturals-Magnesium-Bisglycinate-Vegetarian/dp/B08WVD2YDB/ref=asc\_df\_B08WVD2YDB/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=706828956917&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14738713029362277903&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001286&hvtargid=pla-1966874758262&psc=1&mcid=36168423bbaa32608c2d38c805d10898&gad\_source=1) - Is supposed to help with sleep. Better sleep = better eyes!
- Probiotics - Any generic ones from your grocery store. Apparently helps combat any side effects you can experience from Omega 7s.
- Thealoz Duo - Rarely use it but if my eyes are flaring up, I use it 3-6 times a day.
- Warm compresses - I have Aroma therapy eye mask. I use it for 20 minutes Monday, Wednesday and Friday right before bed. I apply Refresh Celluvisc Gel and then put the eyemask on top. Following that I massage my eye lids to get out the oil. https://www.amazon.ca/Flaxseed-Therapy-Relieve-Syndrome-Blepharitis/dp/B07LBL172C/ref=asc_df_B07LBL172C/?tag=googleshopc0c-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=706725225021&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=900481815487494056&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001286&hvtargid=pla-692569389084&psc=1&mcid=2662cb6990d037dbaaabd37c148c462c&gad_source=1
- Plastic food wrap (I use cling wrap) and a sleeping mask. I use this at night time. Initially I used an eye ointment (Systane brand one), but it made my eyes feel worse in the mornings. Now I use a plastic food wrap (Glad Cling wrap brand) and I fold it so it fully covers my eyes. I then put a sleeping mask on top in order to ensure the wrap doesn't fall off. The wrap retains the moisture and helps keep my eyes as moist as it can and combats my incomplete blink. In the morning, you can just feel the wetness on your eyes as you peel the wrap off. I might try someother brand of eye ointment in the future instead if the gel.
- Blinking exercises - extremely important. Do them as often as you can and must. I do them daily throughout the day. Especially if you have an incomplete blink.
Please note that Omega 3s and 7s are recent addition to my routine. It has only been a week and apparently they take a longer amount of time to start working (3 weeks minimum I read somewhere).
Same with Thealoz Duo - before that I was putting refresh eye drops 100x a day lol
Lipiflow was definitely the most helpful in ensuring my glands did not destroy themselves. Now I am hoping the supplements will help increase the meibum production.