Putting myself in the shoes of a vip beggar
I've been told by alot of people that I have a lack of empathy. Which is not true, I just prefer to be honest because lies have wayy bigger consequences then the harshness of the truth. Uh, anyways, let's get into it.
We find these people rather annoying, sitting in servers yapping with a care in the world. But I wonder what goes on in their point of view. What situations are driving them to beg? Here's what I think.
"Just ask your parents for robux!" The beggar knows that their parents won't approve of getting vip in a "pointless" video game about dressing up. Alternatively they might be an adult living poorly, or in a rare case, an orphan.
"You don't need vip to make good fits!" The beggar probably has low skill and is ashamed of that. So, with how many items that vip contains now, it wouldn't seem illogical to believe a beggar would want them.
"I don't have any vip props, sorry" since the beggar is broke or unable to obtain robux, they might believe that you, or anyone with vip, might be richer and have props to spare.
"Just go on pls donate!" The beggar knows that pls donate is a not very effective way to get robux, sitting for hours on end in hopes to get 0.7 robux is not a very good way to spend time.
So yeah. I hope this gives people new insights about beggars. Because everything happens for a reason, the beggar knows why they want vip. That, or their just a troller.