Dreamt about a mantra/chant

I had a very strange dream last night where me and my friends were searching for a monk or yogi because he had a mantra to ward off some sort of evil that was after us.

We found him and learnt his mantra which he did nothing but chant over and over again throughout the dream in a sing song voice, so we eventually joined in with him.

It went something like this "Bon mon(G stretched out) Mon Yon(G sound stretched out)" over and over again. That's how it sounded and when we chanted it in the dream I felt good in myself and protected.

Having looked up the meaning of it, I was surprised to learn that there was an ancient Tibetan pre buddishmn movement called the "Bon"!


But I can't find anything else at all about the mantra other than the first word "Bon".

Even if it is nothing, it might be interesting to others on here anyway :D