Bans are still happening
So, I'm new to reddit, I always have looked at posts and that as a guest never made my own account before. I wanted to bring awareness with this post so please don't delete it if I'm breaking any rules. I don't approve of going to treasure valleys, especially after what has happened to me.
So a couple days ago I went to visit a tv because I saw one on twitch, I was like oh cool I didn't know these were a thing but I remembered them from Animal Crossing as treasure islands. So I visited, grabbed maybe a few stacks of dreamshards, fish, and some ancient parts. I remember the girl kept assuring me nothing was wrong with visiting, and that they had tested everything. Well fast forward to today, I wake up, and I see that I haven't just received a warning message in my inbox, but also a message saying that I have been banned. I already sent Gameloft a ticket, so hopefully they can do something about this for me.
I just feel deceived by these people streaming them on twitch, I was so happy that I got all of these items I even subbed to them. If it's against TOS they really need to crack down more on these treasure valleys because people like me will unknowingly visit them and be punished. I have spent 1500+ hours playing this game, now I can't do dream snaps to afford premium shop items, I can't drop off gems that I have mined to help friends, and now idk what I'm gonna do to be honest. Please don't be like me and visit these, I have provided screenshots below. Again I have never modded a game in my life!