The BoomerNA video, and "Xylans", Hypixel stream snipers - the situation explained
Once again I have sensed a great disturbance in the force and have crawled out of my grave to write this reddit post.
Sometime yesterday, a tweet made by someone got viral pretty fast. The tweet basically mentioned a video made by a certain someone which supposedly 'holds proof' that Boomer was grooming a minor and accused Boomer of engaging in pedophilia.
Now the bad thing about me deciding to go to sleep instead of making a reddit post because it was fucking 3am for me when it all blew up is that I do not have the tweet anymore, I didn't bookmark it or anything, and I heard that the OP of this tweet has gone private. So yep. No evidence. I only can do a 'source: trust me bro', which goes against my ethics :/
photo provided by u/lady_spirit, thanks again!
Anyways, the video made by Xylans has since then been taken down, but luckily, I do have screenshots from my own twitter thread which I made in a rush.
The video allegedly started out with cp (child p*rn) which is just appalling to begin with. Afterwards, it goes into detail about the dms between boomer and the victim.
Messages are censored for your sake
It goes into detail about the 'sexting' and 'foreplay' between Boomer and this girl, and threatened to leak the girl's nudes.
Now obviously I won't go into detail because it's wrong, so let's talk about the OP first.
OP of the tweet
The OP of the tweet, which basically made the video somewhat viral, is rumoured to be in leaktwt. If you do not know what leaktwt is, it is a subtwt of people on twitter whose 'goal' is to dig up personal information on content creators. In the first place, this is obviously, disgusting behaviour when content creators have all rights to maintain their privacy. Again, I lost the tweet which I saw on my tl!
If you think about it, this raises a couple of red flags. A video intruding on Boomer's private life, and someone from leaktwt?
The Response
Boomer initially responded on his private and this is what he said:
thought I should say something as quickly as possible, but still want to show respect for the girl mentioned by not oversharing. its fake, the girl mentioned is 20 and she'll be posting later herself. sad to see people abusing real issues to try and get attention at the expense of real victims. It's so disgusting to see. Stay safe everyone.
The victim also made her twitlonger afterwards and this is what she said:
I was 19 when Boomer and I met, now 20. We had many mutuals so it wasn't random we met. Everything throughout the relationship was consented on both ends. The screenshots were leaked after I got hacked, and they fabricated it to make it into a whole other story. Nothing in the relationship was wrong. We remained friends after it ended and now it is being brought up by this group trying to harass us.
Out of respect and privacy for the both of us, I will not be disclosing any more details of our relationship. To conclude, there was no pedophilia or grooming. Thank you for all the support to ensure my safety and I appreciate each and every one of you guys.
Afterwards, Boomer made another tweet on his alt account:
Hey all, here is the situation in full. I appreciate you all believing the 'victim' and taking her side as it's the right thing to do. My community took the support of the victim and I would want that for anyone who would be going through the similar situation. My heart goes out to all the victims of real cases. Out of privacy I will no longer be talking about the situation either. It was something between the two of us and was never supposed to be public to begin with. I will also be looking at what legal actions I can take. Much love.
Hey, they responded pretty fast- wait, so the victim isn't a minor at all?
No, the victim is not a minor! If you go to her twitch channel, under the about section, she is 19 years old. Not a minor. So it means... 'Xylan' faked the victim's age in order to make their video more legitimate. In fact, if you go the namemc page of the victim, you would realise that every single social links back to this person called 'Xylan', and that the victim follows this person on namemc.
In addition, the time and age wouldn't match up regardless. Someone reached out to me:
ignore the circles idk why they are there
Who tf is 'Xylans'?
Xylans is apparently not a single person, but they are a group of streamsnipers on Hypixel, with a personal vendetta against good players/hypixel streamers for some odd reason. Associated with them is a group called HypixelSS (Hypixel Stream Snipers; twit handler: @/HypixelEssEss) and they basically do what their name suggest; stream snipe people on Hypixel. Why? I don't know.
Someone tipped me off in dms and sent one of HypixelSS's tweet to me:
names are censored, they've tagged other people as well apart from the victim.
Here's the tweet if you want to see the image much more clearly, but it's just showing the social links on the victim's account being changed to Xylan's. This same exact screenshot was also used in the video, so it's safe to assume that there is some correlation between Xylan and HypixelSS.
There's two different twitter account related to Xylan, @/xylanwastaken (which is linked on the namemc of the victim), and @/xylansmc. I originally did not know about the second account only until I found a tweet made by HypixelSS tagging that account.
(Erm... I just realised that the xylanwastaken account has been taken down for violating twitter's guidelines, idk if that has to do with me because i mentioned it in my thread)
Xylans is HELLBENT on targeting Astelic for some reason. Because the account is gone, I have no proof, but the link they had on xylanwastaken was a vanity discord server link (discord dot gg slash astelic) which links to their discord server 'snipers club', NOT astelic's discord server. They basically stole the link from Astelic.
This is redundant to the topic, but what Xylans does is stream sniping in hopes of destroying winstreaks. Here's an example of their activity log (?):
Zeit_Gaming (Solo) | eight_one_winstreak: 145 -> 0 | overall_winstreak: 145 -> 0
I don't play Hypixel but I'm assuming this winstreak applies to majority of Hypixel's games? Like bedwars and duels?
I'm not going into much more detail about whatever Xylansmc tweets because it isn't very viral, averaging from single digit likes to double digits. If you do visit their profile, please do not interact.
After the video was posted, this community poll was posted to the Xylans youtube channel:
They clearly have NO intention of protecting the victim. They just want clout. And attention.
The process; Token Logging
In Xylans's video, they mentioned that they "token logged" something of the victim's, and that is how they are able to hack the namemc and redirect all social links back to Xylans.
Token Logging is a real thing! To understand, you need to know what is a token. Simply said, a token is a string of numbers and characters (in the discord context) which serves as a code. You can think of it as a physical key, something which you should keep to yourself in order to prevent strangers from entering your house. It's an encryption of both your username and password, so in order to grab someone's discord token, it's difficult, or near impossible to guess. I've covered a little bit of encryption in my bitcoin post so you can go check it out.
Token logging, just like its name suggest, is logging the tokens of people, normally done to create webhooks. Token loggers are spread through files, in .exe .bat .vbs .jar formats. If you download a file and run it, the code embedded in the file is executed which allows your token to be nabbed. If this does happen to you, the best way is change your password asap, which resets your token and renders the token nabbed useless.
How to avoid phishing completely
If you think about it, the easiest way is to just never download files from someone you do not know at all. But most of the time, the files are spread in a way with a message that makes you believe that the file attached is legitimate.
This is called phishing. It's a form of social engineering which tricks you to believe that the attached file is legitimate and that you should download it and execute the file. Most phishing starts off with an email baiting you to click a link which can install malware on your computer, or you to give up your personal information. You might think the email is real because it's from your bank! But it's actually not real, because the phishing email poses as your bank!
In fact, I just had an email from 'Venmo' asking me to claim my FREE $500! Wow, free money! But too bad it's fake, and I could tell at first glance because:
- I have never used Venmo before in my life. I also did not sign up for Venmo. There is no way Venmo could have gotten my email legally.
- Terrible formatting of the email. Companies as big as Venmo will NEVER have such a terrible, unprofessional looking email. You can take an email from twitch and compare it for yourself.
- Incorrect grammar. It should be "Congratulations". the t in "this email..." should be capitalised. It should also be "This email was sent to....". Companies are never this unprofessional.
- Fucking suspicious looking email domain. If you can't see it in the image, the email address this was sent from is "uc6muxvr8zoihed87hcd @" You're telling me Venmo can't purchase their own email domain?!
- Header of the email "$500 Venmo balance needs confirmation" is ridiculously informal. And companies will not use emojis.
- Companies will never claim that they are from a 'trusted sender' and that their email 'is sent from a trusted sender'. Like cmon.
Gmail's spam filter is quite decent at sniffing out phishing emails. I didn't know about this venmo email until I looked in the trash folder. Gmail will also ask you whether a certain email looks like a phishing email when you open the email, so do mark it as phishing when you see the little prompt in order to help Gmail's detection system.
Obviously, some phishing emails are crafted with all these tips in mind. Cybercriminals make it look real. They send it through a different medium (discord, whatsapp, twitter) to bypass something like Gmail's detection system. They give it a proper purpose. You might not have fallen for it, but those who are unaware such as the elderly (your bank account is compromised!) or kids (redeem this free fornite vtoken pack today) or company employees (I'm your CEO, and I need you to transfer money to this account else you'll be fired) can, and might fall for it.
If you have the time, read up on phishing. See how cybercriminals use many different methods (spear phishing, voice phishing, even google doc comment phishing etc.) to trick innocent victims. Phishing is still a prevalent threat in today's cyberspace.
The process; Botting
Before the video was posted, there was a couple of people going around sending messages to people in Boomer's discord server telling them to check out screenshots and to join their discord server for real proof.
Most people assumed it was some troll. And then another popped up.
And another!
Wait... three different people sending the same thing? Seems like they really want to defame Boomer that badly?
If you've noticed it, good for you. This aren't real people; they are bots. Here's a couple of reasons why you can tell:
- funky looking username. most likely randomly generated.
- they say the same exact thing, WORD FOR WORD. picture for picture. link for link.
- brand new discord accounts. if you ever had a friend use discord for the first time and you go to dm them, wumpus (discord's mascot) will prompt you to wave to them because, hey, they're brand new!
The process; Discord Chat Exporter
In my thread, I originally called out the screenshots for being faked because that is not what discord timestamps look like. But after someone mentioned 'Discord Chat Exporter', I realised that I might have been wrong in my judgement.
Discord Chat Exporter, is an application which allows you to export discord dm's. It's hosted on Github. Once the messages are exported, this is what they should look like:
Hey, hang on. Notice the timestamps of the exported messages? They match up with what Xylans posted. So some of you might question: are the leaked dms legitimate, or are they faked?
That's none of our fucking business!
I think this is common sense but I don't think we should be focused on the question 'ARE THOSE DMS REAL', because that's intruding on personal privacy and it is very clearly, none of our business. What we should be focused on is the fact that Xylans and HypixelSS are a bunch of assholes who clearly have nothing better to do.
I think I've summarised the situation to the best of my ability. I'm glad that it was settled quick, but this threat of fake accusations might continue. I'm hoping that Boomer takes some legal action, and that Hypixel does something against these stream snipers, though I'm not very sure what they could do... IP ban maybe?