Where do we go from here?
I think people have already said most of what needed to be said regarding the situations these past few days. But I've been thinking a bit, so this might just be a ramble post, bear with me.
So, I've spent the majority of the past 2 or 3 years on Twitter. I've seen cancellations, I've been a part of the people cancellling (not on Mcyttwt though). That being said, I don't remember seeing anything quite like what these past few days have been for the DreamSMP community.
It feels like a cancellation train. When the "cancel spotlight" moves from one person, another one takes their place. The situation with Dream might've just been the tipping point for all of this. It just feels like it will not end. While their opinions are (in most cases) valid, the way a lot of people present those has reached a level of toxicity and aggression that I haven't seen in a long while. People have been openly stating that they don't care about CCs' mental health, people have been so openly just searching for clout rather than trying to actually let the CCs know how they feel and why.
This just feels like we have reached a tipping point for something. A point no return, maybe. Like something in these people just snapped, and now they've stopped "holding back" and they've stopped seeing the content creators as just another human being.
Now, I've been wondering. What do you guys think will happen in the near future? I know none of this will affect any of the communities on other social media platforms and the creators will probably continue to grow.
But for Twitter. Do you think this cancellation train will just continue until all CCs are deemed "problematic" and the toxic fans move onto other content? Will they eventually drive all the CCs off of Twitter? Or will they slowly start to realise that maybe, just maybe, sometimes they are the ones in the wrong, not the CCs? Will CCs eventually end up turning against their Twitter stanbases because of all of this?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!:D