Dream is terrible at responding to controversy
That’s it. Read the title. He sucks at it so much. Every time he does one of his “2+ hour talking” live streams, he contradicts almost all of his points he makes in his “well edited” YouTube video. He just did it again with Tubbo. He contradicted himself so many times. “Oh I wasn’t trying to say that in my video, I’m sorry it came across that way.” Bro shut up what they hell do you mean? That’s obviously what you meant. It was a well edited video with clearly a lot of thought behind it.
In his YouTube response videos, he ALWAYS attempts to portray himself as the little guy getting picked on by the bullies. He can never just outright state facts and instead likes to weave a complex spider web of logic in the name of “context matters.” Yea it’s important to take context into account but the way he does it is borderline manipulative to the viewer. I have no idea how people can take it all at face value.
He also loves to admit to wrongdoing on things he can’t talk his way out of to give himself credibility and then spend disproportionately too much time talking about things that DO NOT MATTER to the situation to try and misdirect people’s attention from what the situation actually is. Look no further than his video on Tommy and the super drawn out section on his merch. YOU ARENT DOING ANYTHING BY CALLING ATTENTION TO THAT DREAM!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
I get this has just turned into an insult match between them but if Dream really was a standup and compassionate guy, there wouldn’t be so much emotionally manipulative language and misdirection in his response videos. He could have just taken the high road, defended himself adequately, and bowed out. He gains nothing from stoking the flames and he does this EVERY TIME a controversy happens. With the stupid gumball thing he attempted to show how Nicholas was such a bad guy instead of just proving to his fans that Dream himself is a good guy which shouldn’t be that hard!
It’s gotten to the point that I have such a hard time believing anything Dream even says anymore. Many creators who have worked with him, do not like him and I think that reveals way more about his character than anything Dream, Tommy, or Tubbo will put out. Surround yourselves with good people guys.