Dream about a friend i no longer talk to
Context for this dream: I had a crazy falling out with a very close friend who has been having severe mental health issues and refuses to get help. He thinks I hate him and want to destroy his life. He talks very negatively and hatefully about me now. Yesterday, I had a brief conversation with his brother and asked how he was doing and he said he wasn’t doing that great still.
Slightly after this fight I had a conflict with a girlfriend whom I have also cut out of my life.
Last night I dreamt that I was seeing this friend for the first time in a long time. He looked very different, had a very different haircut and was much larger. He had this kind of metal head look which is fairly different from his real life style. I told him he looked good. I felt somewhat drawn to him still, like I missed him but also felt distant. There was no real conflict between us, he was just talking to me about his life recently and how he’s really into metal now. The dream was extremely vivid but I don’t remember everything in detail now. Anyway, at one point I see him sitting down on a couch cuddling up to my ex girlfriend watching something. I felt a little jealous. I also have a vague image of myself in a crouching position naked somewhere in between there. The room was extremely pristine and white.
Any thoughts?