LF a fic with Haymitch characterizations but it’s Draco

Just finished sunrise on the reaping and my GODDDDDD I AM UNWELL. Anyways some spoilers for the book in terms of Haymitch’s character specifically. he is a lover boy! (In the beginning) and full of life and smart and scrappy. And then snow ruins everything and he becomes the haymitch we know in the hunger game’s trilogy: depressed, alcoholic, resigned to his fate. What I’m looking for has definitely been done —younger Draco full of life, the war/voldemort takes everything from him and post war he’s resigned to his life as a pariah and the guilt he carries— but I’m blanking on anything specific. (Tho Happy pills and Not with a Bang somewhat remind me of this)

What I’d love to read is some of that but also the journey of “after.” Whether it be because Hermione brought in a new purpose for his life, a new cause, the war continuing and him switching sides. I don’t care what setting, just any fics that Draco’s characterization/journey reminded you of Haymitch’s but where he got a renewed sense for life— also Draco doesn’t need to be an alcoholic.

Pls use spoiler formatting if it’s a hidden character arc 😃